Salinger : A Critical and Personal Portrait...

Salinger : A Critical and Personal Portrait...
Salinger: A Critical and Personal Portrait is a classic collection of critical and personal essays on J.D. Salinger, author of The Catcher in the Rye, by more than 20 of the most acclaimed writers and critics of his era—including John Updike, Alfred Kazin, and Arthur Mizner. Revived for Salinger’s 90th year, Salinger: A Critical and Personal Portrait offers an extraordinary time capsule: a round table discussion between America’s literary elite that will delight Salinger fans, scholars, and critics alike.
by Donald P. Costello; Martin Green; Leslie Fiedler; Arthur Mizener; Alfred Kazin; Joan Didion; Ihab Hassan; William Wiegand; Dan Wakefield; Josephine Jacobsen