Sweetgrass Braids

Sweetgrass Braids


Sweetgrass has many ceremonial uses among most indigenous peoples of north america and is often used in conjunction with sage. Its smoke is used for prayer, cleansing and as a healing agent. Sage is first burned to drive away any negative forces, then sweetgrass is burned to summon positive ones. It is frequently used in Sweat Lodge ceremonies, tied to traditional bustles and used as a sachet for clothing.

Sometimes known as Marsh Hay, Sink'pe tawota, Hierochloe odorata , Buffalo Grass, wekusk

This Sweetgrass (as it’s most commonly known) is harvested, prayed upon and braided by a collective of First Nations people. This is the freshest and most honored Sweetgrass we’ve found!

Each braid measures appx. 28-30” in length.

A message from the harvesters…

Our elders tell us that it takes longer for us to heal today. The reason is because the old trails our ancestors used to use to find us have been destroyed....so now our ancestors are having a hard time finding us to help us heal.
We are also told that was the first plant to grow on Mother Earth
When we harvest Sweetgrass, We always give an offering and give thanks with prayer and song. We want to state our intentions!! we can bring tobacco as to bring Creator in on our words as to how we will use this
For an offering we can also offer something the plant can use, like water, bonemeal.
We also give offerings to the relations around it, it’s brothers and sisters,mother and father.
And so on,give them a gift of water. traditionally, we get three bunches of seven strands
There will be 21 pieces of grass when braids are braided traditionally.
We do not pull it!!! This is the hair of Mother Earth. Much care is required.
We braid the traditional braids with the three strands of seven pieces right on Mother Earth
Then we gently cut it, leaving anything left back to mother earth in the place it was meant to be.

When we burn sweetgrass, remember these things:
Its a kindness medicine...with a sweet gentle aroma when we light it.
Its symbolic...
There are 21 strands used to make a braid...
The first 7 strands represent those 7 generations behind us
* Our parents
* Our grandparents
* Our great grandparents and so on for
7 generations behind us because we are who we are and what we are because of them.
they've brushed and made the trails we have been walking up til now...but the trails have been destroyed, we have lost our connection.
The time has come to heal and reconnect with our ancestors.
The next 7 represent the 7 sacred teachings...
Love, Respect, Honesty, Courage, Wisdom, Truth and Humility.
The elders tell us how simple, powerful and beautiful the teaching are:
1 Love: unconditional affection with no limits or conditions that starts with loving yourself.
2 Respect: due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights or traditions of other, with consideration, thoughtfulness, attentiveness, politeness, courtesy, civility, deference.
3 Honestly: have a character of integrity, and honor be free from fraud or deception, legitimate truthful.
4 Courage: bravery, permitting one to face extreme dangers with boldness withstanding danger, fear or difficulty
5 Wisdom: the quality of having experience, knowledge and good judgment the quality of being wise.
6 Truth: the face of the matter, veracity, sincere, candor and genuineness
a determined in principle entirely by how it relates to things
7 Humility: freedom from pride or arrogance, being humble, when we truly understand the teaching of humility, that we are not any better then anyone else and you are not any better then me. that at the end of the day we are simply human beings, this is what makes this teaching powerful and beautiful.
The last 7 strands are those of the 7 generations in front of us~
Our children .....
Our grandchildren .....
Our great grandchildren .....
as well as those children yet to be born.
It is important because everything we do to Mother earth will one day effect them... We have lost our way, Mother Earth gives us everything we need to heal ourselves and the earth. We must go back to our roots and bloom.
three strands are always stronger
they represent Husband, wife and creator
and with the three strands begins family!!

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