Iron Oxide Hematite Quartz

Iron Oxide Hematite Quartz
The name hematite is derived from the Latin term for blood, haima (as in hemoglobin). It was given this name because of the rust-red color that resembles the color of blood. Iron oxidation causes the reddish color, which is why the red hematite tends to be a rusty red as opposed to a vivid, bright red. The hematite itself is opaque and tends to have a dull to slightly shiny appearance; however, when it is in quartz, it will appear translucent because the mineral is diffuse throughout the quartz. When polished, hematite has a shiny, slick, metallic finish.
Hematite's Benefits
Hematite has a hexagonal crystalline lattice. Crystals with this lattice structure manifest, energize, and amplify energies. The main colors of hematite—red, gray and black—are linked to the root chakra which is associated with the energies of safety, security, groundedness, ability to stand up for oneself and establish healthy boundaries. Hematite is a wonderful mineral ally to aid with:
bringing greater sense of safety and security
energizing and bolstering confidence to take healthy risks
grounding of scattered and overly wild or airy energy
establishing firmer/healthier boundaries
standing up for oneself
bringing balance to areas of one’s life that lack balance
absorbing of negative energy
Measures appx : 5” x 5” x 3.5”